159 research outputs found

    Knowledge Discovery in Documents by Extracting Frequent Word Sequences

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    Etelä-Suomen raakapuuvarat laskennalliseen pölkytykseen perustuen.

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    TutkimusartikkeliTutkimuksessa selvitettiin Etelä-Suomen havutukkipuun jakautuminen eri laaturyhmiin. Mänty- ja kuusirungoilla laaturyhminä olivat oksaton ja kyhmytön tyvitukki, kuivaoksainen väli- tai tyvitukki sekä terveoksainen latvatukki. Lisäksi kuusirungoista erotettiin omaksi ryhmäkseen latvaläpimitaltaan yli 40 cm:n tukit. §§ Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin valtakunnan metsien 8. inventoinnin koepuita, jotka apteerattiin kahdella eri tavalla. Laatuapteerauksessa tavoitteena oli käyttää rungon eri laatuosat maksimaalisesti hyödyksi ja pitää laatuosat erillä toisistaan. Jakauma-apteerauksessa pyrittiin ennalta asetettuun pituustavoitteeseen laatuluokan sisällä sekä sallittiin siirtymä paremmasta laatuluokasta huonompaan laatuluokkaan. Koko Etelä-Suomen laaturyhmittäiset tukkiosuudet saatiin yleistämällä koepuiden laskennalliset apteeraustiedot lukupuille keskiarvomenetelmällä. §§ Jakauma-apteerauksessa mäntykoepuiden oksattoman tyvitukin määrä aleni 30 % ja terveoksaisen tukin määrä lähes 40 % laatuapteerauksen tukkimääriin verrattuna. Vastaavasti kuivaoksaisen tukin määrä kasvoi 14 %. Kuusikoepuiden jakauma-apteerauksessa terveoksaisen tukin määrä aleni 17 % ja kuivaoksaisen tukin määrä lisääntyi 9 % verrattuna laatuapteerauksen mukaisiin tukkimääriin. §§ Laatuapteerauksen perusteella oksatonta ja kyhmytöntä mäntytyvitukkia oli 17,0 % Etelä-Suomen männyn kokonaistukkitilavuudesta ja kuusityvitukkia 4,2 % kuusen kokonaistukkitilavuudesta. Terveoksaista mäntytukkia oli 8,0 % ja kuusitukkia 24,8 % tukkitilavuudesta. Kuivaoksaisen mäntytukin osuus oli 74,3 % ja kuusitukin 69,3 %. Lisäksi latvalapimitaltaan yli 40 cm:n kuusitukkia saatiin 1,2 % tukkitilavuudesta

    Solutions for information sharing within turnaround maintenance

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    Automatic Discovery of Word Semantic Relations

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    In this paper, we propose an unsupervised methodology to automatically discover pairs of semantically related words by highlighting their local environment and evaluating their semantic similarity in local and global semantic spaces. This proposal di®ers from previous research as it tries to take the best of two different methodologies i.e. semantic space models and information extraction models. It can be applied to extract close semantic relations, it limits the search space and it is unsupervised

    Managing experts of the developers' network

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    CP-lasten ja -nuorten systemaattinen lonkkaseuranta puuttuu Suomesta

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    VertaisarvioituLähtökohdat Tutkimuksessa verrattiin Suomen CP-vammaisten lasten ja nuorten lonkkien seuranta¬käytäntöjä Ruotsissa kehitettyyn CPUP-ohjelmaan. Ohjelman tarkoitus on ehkäistä lonkkien sijoiltaanmenoa varhaisella -konservatiivisella tai operatiivisella hoidolla. Menetelmät Valtakunnallisessa CP-hankkeessa kerättiin tiedot 362:sta alle 20-vuotiaasta potilaasta. ¬Tarkastelimme ¬erityisesti ensimmäistä lonkkaröntgenkuvaa ja lausuntoa, sekä selvitimme tehdyt kirurgiset ¬toimen¬piteet. ¬Selvitimme seurantakäytäntöjä myös kyselyllä lastenneurologian ylilääkäreille. Tulokset Lonkkaröntgenkuva oli otettu ainakin kerran 69 %:lta lapsista (n = 251), ensimmäisen kerran 0,2–15,2-¬vuotiaana. ¬CPUP-suosituksen mukaan lievimmissä liikuntavammoissa (GMFCS-luokka I) kuvausta ei tarvita rutiinin¬omaisesti. Kuitenkin 43 % tämän ryhmän lapsista oli kuvattu. Liikkumisen apuvälineitä käyttäville lapsille (GMFCS-luokat III–V) kuvausta suositellaan heti diagnoosin varmistuttua. Heistä 33 % oli kuvattu vasta yli 3-vuotiaana ja 6 oli jäänyt kuvaamatta. Päätelmät Lonkkien seuranta Suomessa poikkesi CPUP-ohjeistuksesta. Kansainvälisiin suosituksiin perustuva radiologinen seuranta mahdollistaa luksaatiokehityksen riittävän varhaisen toteamisen ja hoidon.Peer reviewe

    GOLM1 depletion modifies cellular sphingolipid metabolism and adversely affects cell growth

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    Golgi membrane protein 1 (GOLM1) is a Golgi-resident type 2 transmembrane protein known to be overexpressed in several cancers, including he-patocellular carcinoma (HCC), as well as in viral in-fections. However, the role of GOLM1 in lipid metabolism remains enigmatic. In this study, we employed siRNA-mediated GOLM1 depletion in Huh -7 HCC cells to study the role of GOLM1 in lipid metabolism. Mass spectrometric lipidomic analysis in GOLM1 knockdown cells showed an aberrant accu-mulation of sphingolipids, such as ceramides, hex-osylceramides, dihexosylceramides, sphinganine, sphingosine, and ceramide phosphate, along with cholesteryl esters. Furthermore, we observed a reduction in phosphatidylethanolamines and lyso-phosphatidylethanolamines. In addition, Seahorse extracellular flux analysis indicated a reduction in mitochondrial oxygen consumption rate upon GOLM1 depletion. Finally, alterations in Golgi struc-ture and distribution were observed both by electron microscopy imaging and immunofluorescence mi-croscopy analysis. Importantly, we found that GOLM1 depletion also affected cell proliferation and cell cycle progression in Huh-7 HCC cells. The Golgi structural defects induced by GOLM1 reduction might potentially affect the trafficking of proteins and lipids leading to distorted intracellular lipid ho-meostasis, which may result in organelle dysfunction and altered cell growth. In conclusion, we demon-strate that GOLM1 depletion affects sphingolipid metabolism, mitochondrial function, Golgi structure, and proliferation of HCC cells.Peer reviewe

    Saturated fat is more metabolically harmful for the human liver than unsaturated fat or simple sugars

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    OBJECTIVE Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (i.e., increased intrahepatic triglyceride [IHTG] content), predisposes to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Adipose tissue lipolysis and hepatic de novo lipogenesis (DNL) are the main pathways contributing to IHTG. We hypothesized that dietary macronutrient composition influences the pathways, mediators, and magnitude of weight gain-induced changes in IHTG. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We overfed 38 overweight subjects (age 48 ± 2, BMI 31 ± 1 kg/m2, liver fat 4.7 ± 0.9%) 1,000 extra kcal/day of saturated (SAT) or unsaturated (UNSAT) fat or simple sugars (CARB) for 3 weeks. We measured IHTG (1H-MRS), pathways contributing to IHTG (lipolysis ([2H5]glycerol) and DNL (2H2O) basally and during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, endotoxemia, plasma ceramides, and adipose tissue gene expression at 0 and 3 weeks. RESULTS Overfeeding SAT increased IHTG more (+55%) than UNSAT (+15%, P < 0.05). CARB increased IHTG (+33%) by stimulating DNL (+98%). SAT significantly increased while UNSAT decreased lipolysis. SAT induced insulin resistance and endotoxemia and significantly increased multiple plasma ceramides. The diets had distinct effects on adipose tissue gene expression. CONCLUSIONS Macronutrient composition of excess energy influences pathways of IHTG: CARB increases DNL, while SAT increases and UNSAT decreases lipolysis. SAT induced greatest increase in IHTG, insulin resistance, and harmful ceramides. Decreased intakes of SAT could be beneficial in reducing IHTG and the associated risk of diabetes

    Adaptation to climate change in Finland : Current state and future prospects

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    The KOKOSOPU project has aimed at a comprehensive evaluation of the national adaptation policy with particular emphasis on the National Adaptation Plan and international policy development. In addition, future challenges related to societal development have been taken into account. Projections of climate change, Finland’s Climate Act and the strengthened adaptation policy in the EU emphasise the importance of the national adaptation policy. A key objective of the National Adaptation Plan 2014–2022 was to strengthen the adaptive capacity of Finnish society. This objective is still relevant. The conditions for reaching the objective have, however, partly changed. First, cross border consequences of climate change are increasingly emphasised. Second, issues of justice and fairness with respect to the consequences of climate change and adaptation actions are being identified as central. Third, greater weight is given to the overall sustainability of adaptation and climate action. The changing conditions for climate change adaptation should be reflected in the allocation of resources, in improved coordination within the administration and in co-operation between the public and private sector. In addition, knowledge and education should be enhanced, and resources provided for RDI, and for monitoring and evaluation that supports continued improvement of adaptation activities

    Adaptation to climate change in Finland : Current state and future prospects

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    The KOKOSOPU project has aimed at a comprehensive evaluation of the national adaptation policy with particular emphasis on the National Adaptation Plan and international policy development. In addition, future challenges related to societal development have been taken into account. Projections of climate change, Finland’s Climate Act and the strengthened adaptation policy in the EU emphasise the importance of the national adaptation policy. A key objective of the National Adaptation Plan 2014–2022 was to strengthen the adaptive capacity of Finnish society. This objective is still relevant. The conditions for reaching the objective have, however, partly changed. First, cross border consequences of climate change are increasingly emphasised. Second, issues of justice and fairness with respect to the consequences of climate change and adaptation actions are being identified as central. Third, greater weight is given to the overall sustainability of adaptation and climate action. The changing conditions for climate change adaptation should be reflected in the allocation of resources, in improved coordination within the administration and in co-operation between the public and private sector. In addition, knowledge and education should be enhanced, and resources provided for RDI, and for monitoring and evaluation that supports continued improvement of adaptation activities